Inmortis 0.5.12 Demo is Here !

Hello everyone ! 

Today, we realease a new demo of the game, with a lot a improvment !

First, all character animations have been reworked with Spine.

Here are some examples:



It's allow us to add a ton of new armors without remaking all animation for all armor pieces.

Also, now we can add some character customisation !  :3


The user interface have been reworked too !


Object contours are higlighted as the player approaches:

We add a keybinding feature in the main menu:

we reworked the box at the bottom.

And also a lot of new things ! ^^' (it will be to long to describe everything in this post)

Don't forget to join us on Discord !

Files 260 MB
Feb 12, 2020

Get Inmortis

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